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Esther Eagle-Richeson

Name: Esther Eagle-Richeson
Location: Kenai
United States 99611
Contact: Send Esther Eagle-Richeson a message
Additional Info: I come from a musical family: piano, age 3, clarinet, age 11, violin, age 12, French horn since age 12 in James Madison Jr. High, West Seattle & West Anchorage High Schools. Played in Concert & Marching Bands at: Modesto Jr. College, CA; Eastern Kentucky University; University of Washington HUSKY MARCHING BAND (HMB): Mellophonium x4 yrs. (Section Leader my 4th year), Band Secretary HMB (my 5th year).
Currently, play double French horn in Redoubt Chamber & Kenai Peninsula Orchestras in southcentral Alaska. Also, play horn in pit orchestras for annual Kenai Performer Musicals at KCHS' Rene' Henderson Auditorium: (i.e. Fiddler on the Roof, Sound of Music, Beauty & the Beast, The King & I, Oliver, etc.)
KCHS=Kenai Central HIgh School, where I retired as an RN, BSN, NCSN from School Nursing w/ National Certification May, 2008.
Goal in retirement is to be a PAID MUSICIAN (hopefully on my French horn, but I also play the Ukulele and piano, and I sing, so take your pick.)
Additional Specialisms: Orchestral Playing, Solo Performance
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